Environmental Toxicology

Name: Environmental Toxicology

Time: 52 hours

Prerequisite:Biology, Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry,

Target audience: Undergraduate

Aim: This course starts from the basic knowledge of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of chemical pollutants. It focuses on toxic actions and adverse effects of chemical pollutant at molecular, cellular, tissue, and organic levels, with linking adverse outcomes to molecular mechanisms. It also introduces recent progress in toxicity testing combined with limitations of classic toxicity testing.


1 Introduction (two hours)

1.1 Histology of environmental toxicology

1.2 Research objects, main tasks and contents of environmental toxicology

1.3 Research methods for environmental toxicology

1.4 Research progress and direction of environmental toxicology

2 Absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of chemical pollutants.

2.1 Absorption and distribution of chemical pollutants (2 hours)

2.2 Metabolism and excretion of chemical pollutants (2 hours)

3 Toxic actions and adverse effects of chemical pollutants

3.1 Developmental toxicity (4 hours)

3.2 Reproductive toxicity (2 hours)

3.3 Neurotoxicity (4 hours)

3.4 Endocrine disruption (4 hours)

3.5 Immunotoxicity (2 hours)

3.6 Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity (4 hours)

3.7 Epigenetic changes (4 hours)

4 Classic toxicity testing and its applications in chemical management

4.1 Acute toxicity tests (2 hours)

4.2 Subchronic and chronic toxicity tests (2 hours)

4.3 Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity tests (2 hours)

4.4 Toxicity testing for chemical management (2 hours)

5 Recent progress in chemical toxicity testing and techniques

5.1 Alternative testing (2 hours)

5.2 Stem cell toxicity testing (2 hours)

5.3 Omics techniques (2 hours)

5.4 Adverse outcome pathway (2 hours)

5.5 Gene modification technique (2 hours)

6 Chemical health risk assessment

6.1 Classic health risk assessment and its limitations (2 hours)

6.2 Recent progress in health risk assessment (2 hours)