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Hand book for working at UCAS (2018) ---1.Work Permit 外国人工作许可通知篇

Time table of applying for a work (Z) visa at UCAS

What you need

Where to go

How long

I外国人来华工作许可通知Work Permit

Beijing Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs

5+10 work days

II工作签证 Work (Z) Visa ( Valid only for 30 days )

Chinese embassies and consulates

3-5 work days

III外国人工作许可证Foreign Expert Certificate

Beijing Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs

5 work days

IV居留许可Residence Permit (One year multiple entry visa )

Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Beijing Municipal

10 work days

I Work Permit

If you currently don’t have a Z visa or residence permit in China or it is the first time for you to apply for a work visa in China, please prepare the following documents, and send all the required documents to, please send the original copies of documents required if necessary by express delivery, for example, UPS, FedEx, to the following address, please do not send through regular mail, it will usually take 2-3 months, and can’t easily track if missing:

Mr. Wang Jingwei

Program Coordinator

International Affairs Office, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), 19A Yuquan Road, Beijing, China, 100049  

Tel: +86 10 88256140 

What you do: Send all original copies and digital copies (English version) to us (International Affairs office or administration office of your college at UCAS by e-mail or express delivery.

What we do: Submit all your documents requested to Beijing Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs on the website of and make sure your application approved, it will take 5 days to get your submission approved, another 10 work days to get your work permit from Beijing Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs.

Where is Beijing Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs and what they can do for you?





More info about working at UCAS, please visit:


1. 中文简历和外文简历(简历中时间应精确到月,学历须自高中起描述,描述不间断,如有需说明原因),请按照模板填写个人中英文简历,该(外国人来华工作管理服务系统)模板为申请工作许可的制式简历模板, 请见附件12。请按照简历模板要求填写,如提供信息不全,申请将被延迟;

2. 近期二寸证件彩色电子版免冠照片(白底);

3. 经中国驻外使、领馆认证的最高学历证书原件扫描件;

4. 两年以上相关工作经验证明,须加盖公章或负责人签字(证明中包括:职位、工作时间、证明人联系方式等,外文材料需中文翻译,翻译件须加盖国际合作处公章,母语国家英语外籍教师不必提交工作经验证明);

5. 聘用协议或劳动合同原件和复印件,聘用合同中英文模板,请参考附件34

6. 无犯罪证明原件扫描件;(无犯罪证明由申请人母国或外国居住地警察局或司法机关出具,并经由当地中国使领馆认证,A类外籍专家可采用承诺制,由聘请部门提供无犯罪承诺书),外文材料翻译件须加盖国际合作处公章,无犯罪承诺书模板附件,请参考附件5

7. 本人/配偶经中国驻外使、领馆认证的外国卫生医疗机构或由北京国际旅行卫生保健中心出具的健康证明复印件。请保存好所有体检材料,包括:心电图,X光照片等,来京后,还需携带所有体检原件办理验证手续,体检表格模板,请见附件6

8. 本人/家属有效护照复印件;

9. 如有随行家属,需提供亲属关系证明, 如,出生证明、结婚证原件及翻译件,翻译件须加盖国际合作处公章,随行家属申请S1签证入境,在中国境内换领居留许可;

10. 护照中以往在华工作签证页复印件,如没有可不必提供;

11. 在学前幼教机构、中小学、国际学校以及各类教育培训机构从事教育教学工作的外籍英语教师,应当持有教师资格证书;从事语言类教学的,如未持有所在国颁发的教师资格证书,应当取得国际通行的语言教学资格证书。(语言教学资格证书要达到160学时);

12. 在何地申请工作签证。


1.Resumes in Chinese and English (study and working experiences with accurate year and month, education background has to start from senior high school, working experiences information has to be coherent since graduation, please make sure that your overseas telephone number and address is valid.). Please fill the template Chinese and English CV in the attachment 1&2. Please be noted that the CV forms we provided is requested for your work permit application regulated by Beijing Foreign Expert Bureau. Please do not use yours. If you don’t provide us the requested info, processing of your application will be delayed.

2. Recent soft copy of passport sized photos against white background.

3. Scan copy of highest-degree diploma certified by Chinese Embassy or Consulates.

4. Certificate of employment at least 2 years’ working experience with official seal or head signature. The employment certificate has to include job title, working time, and reference and contact information. A Chinese translation of certificate of employment with the official seal of IAO of UCAS is needed. Native English instructors will not need to provide certificate of employment.

5. Original copy and scan copy of contract with UCAS indicating the term of the contract and salary information. The official seal of UCAS will be needed. Please see the sample of both Chinese and English contract of UCAS in the attachment 3&4.

6. Scan copy of Non-Criminal Record Certificate issued by the relevant Justice department from home country or long term residence (Not in China) with a translation copy sealed by IAO of UCAS. A Level foreign employee will enjoy a green channel application by submitting a letter of Non-Criminal Record commitment. Please see the sample of letter of Non-Criminal Record commitment in the attachment 5.

7. Photocopy of Physical Exam Record with laboratory test report issued by the hospitals appointed or certified by Chinese Embassy or Consulates or Beijing International Travel Healthcare Center within 6 months. Please bring all the original copies of your exam record when you come to China, including electrocardiogram, X-ray photograph and etc. All the documents mentioned above will be requested for your physical examination authentication in Beijing International Travel Healthcare Center. Please see the examination form in the attachment 6.

8. Copy of ID page of the passport.

9. Original copy and Chinese translation copy of Certificate of Kindred if a spouse or family member comes together, for example, birth certificate, marriage certificate. The translation copy needs to be sealed by IAO of UCAS. The spouse or family member will apply a S1 visa in China, and change to a residence permit later.

10. Copy of Z visa and previous residence permit in China in case.

11. Copies of professional certificate. (English Instructors will have to provide English teaching certificate with at least 160 training hours, for example, EFL, ESL, TESOL, TOEFL).

12. The place where applying for the Z visa.