UCAS 2024 International Summer School: “Global Change and Ecological Health” Opens

The 2024 International Summer School: Global Change and Ecological Health opened on July 19 at the Yanqihu Campus of the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS). Wang Yanfen, Vice President of UCAS, and Zhang Shizhuan, Deputy Executive Director of the Secretariat of the Alliance of National and International Science Organizations for the Belt and Road Regions (ANSO), delivered speeches at the opening ceremony.

                                                             Opening Ceremony

This summer school is the first international summer school held at the main campus of UCAS, with classes arranged in the Sino-Danish College building. The event was organized by the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, and Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Of 2,522 applicants, over 30 outstanding international students were selected, coming from 19 countries, including Denmark, Russia, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. They gathered with Chinese and foreign experts and scholars in the fields of global climate change and ecological health near Yanqi Lake to embark on a 10-day journey of learning, exchange, and Chinese culture.

Wang Yanfen extended a warm welcome to the guests on behalf of the university. She emphasized that in today’s world of increasing exchange and cooperation it is crucial to cultivate innovative thinking across geographical and cultural boundaries. She noted that we face urgent global issues such as climate change, ecological health, and biosecurity and that hosting this international summer school is an important measure for UCAS to deepen international exchange and cooperation, cultivate international talents, and enhance the level of international education. She hoped that the participants would make full use of this platform to gain new knowledge, make new friends, and grow through scientific and cultural exchanges, while contributing their youthful energy to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

                                             Wang Yanfen delivers a speech

Zhang Shizhuang introduced the efforts made by ANSO in promoting international scientific and technological cooperation. He emphasized that ANSO is committed to promoting international scientific cooperation, addressing major challenges, and cultivating the next generation of scientists. Since its launch in 2019, the CAS-ANSO Scholarship Program has supported about 2,400 students from over 100 countries to pursue degrees in China. He pointed out that climate change and its impact on ecological health is one of the most pressing challenges today, and he believes that this summer school provides valuable opportunities for young scholars to get trained and exchange ideas.

                                              Zhang Shizhuan gives a speech

Tiana Vition, a Portuguese student representative from Technical University of Denmark, expressed her great pleasure in having the opportunity to participate in this event. She agreed that climate change is a major challenge facing the world today and requires joint efforts from the international community. She looked forward to learning about China’s latest research results and practical experiences in addressing climate change, learning about traditional Chinese culture, and enhancing friendship with young Chinese scholars.

                               Student representative Tiana Vition speaks

Wang Yanfen presented the camp flag to Professor Hu Zhengyi, Dean of the Sino-Danish College and the general supervisor of the summer school, and wished the summer school a complete success.

                                       Flag-presenting ceremony

After the opening ceremony, Wang Yanfen gave a lecture titled “Grassland changes, drivers and ecological consequences over 40 years on Qinghai Tibetan Plateau.” The lecture was followed by in-depth discussion with the attendees.

The international summer school also invited over 10 Chinese and foreign experts, including Academician Fang Xiaomin, Fu Bojie, and Zhu Yongguan, to give keynote reports on “Global Change and Ecological Health,” sharing the latest findings and most recent advances in relevant fields. Summer school attendees also met face-to-face with mentors. The international summer school will arrange for participants to visit Huairou Science City, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Zoological Museum of China, Beijing Tidelion Science and Innovation Group Co., Ltd., and other scientific research institutions and high-tech enterprises to learn about the latest academic developments and the implementation of scientific and technological transformation. At the same time, participants will have the opportunity to experience the unique charm of Chinese culture and arts, and learn more about China.

The 2024 UCAS International Summer School on “Global Change and Ecological Health” will contribute to recruiting top international talents in science and technology, continuously improving the internationalization of education, and enhancing the university’s global reputation and influence. Additionally, this will be an unforgettable journey for young scholars that blends academic exchange, cultural understanding, while fostering friendships and further promoting cooperation China and other countries.

                               Group photos at the opening ceremony